Over the last few months there have been a number of incidents of car break-ins, spray painted graffiti on private property, and more recently mail boxes being broken into in the Cornell community. The good news is that York Regional Police have made a number of arrests of individuals likely connected to some of these crimes, and they are continuing to investigate these incidents.
In addition to the property damage and material costs associated with these incidents, residents are also naturally concerned about community safety and would like to see action taken to address their concerns.
Ward 5 Councillor Andrew Keyes has been discussing this issue with residents and with York Regional Police and is looking at ways community safety and crime prevention can be improved across Ward 5 and the City of Markham.
Community Safety Meeting
Councillor Keyes is currently working with York Regional Police to arrange a Community Safety Meeting. At this meeting residents will be invited to get an update on recent events and learn about options available to help deter and prevent break-ins and other crimes. The date and location of this meeting should be announced shortly, so please stay tuned.
Video Surveillance Opportunities
In addition to working with York Regional Police, Councillor Keyes is investigating the possibility of assisting residents that wish to install video surveillance equipment around their homes. Many homes have installed video surveillance cameras, but there is more that can be done. In an effort to help reduce the cost of purchase and installation of video cameras, Councillor Keyes has reached out to the major manufacturers of these devices to see if either a bulk purchase discount or a rebate can be offered to residents interested in this option.
It’s unlikely neighbourhood crime can be completely eliminated, but there are measures we can take to make improvements and make our neighbourhoods safer.
Update – April 29th, 2019
Investigators with the #5 District Criminal Investigations Bureau have charged a 22-year-old man with more than 100 criminal offences in relation to a residential break-and-enter, vehicle entries and theft of mail occurrences in the City of Markham.
The investigation began on April 6, 2019, when a residential break and enter was reported to police that had occurred at a home on Walkerville Road, which is in the area of Cornell Park Avenue and Bur Oak Avenue. The suspect was described as being male, Asian, 5’6” and was wearing dark clothing. As the investigation progressed, officers linked a suspect with the same physical characteristics to other criminal offences that had occurred in the area.
Full release from York Regional Police: https://www.yrp.ca