
ElectronicsWhat Do I Do With Unwanted Electronics?

Electronics and batteries cannot be collected with your garbage or recycling – they contain heavy metals that can be harmful to your health and the environment. Electronics are filled with valuable resources like glass, plastic, gold, silver, copper, palladium and more. These components can be recycled when handled properly.

Electronic equipment in good working condition should be donated to a local charity, such as the Salvation Army Thrift Store or ReStore Markham. Always call ahead to confirm if your item is acceptable. If the item no longer works, drop off at Markham Household Hazardous Waste Depot. Residential customers only.


  • Protect your privacy! Clear all personal information from computers, cell phones and electronics prior to drop off. The City is not responsible for personal information contained on your electronic devices.
  • Remove all batteries from electronic items.
  • Household batteries can be dropped off at any Markham Recycling Depot, community centre or library.