Fireworks, a class of low explosive pyrotechnic devices used for aesthetic and entertainment purposes. The most common use of fireworks are fun spectacular displays in the sky on special occasions. Many cultures celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, weddings with Fireworks. Victoria Day and Canada Day are the two events most municipalities across Canada celebrate without a special permit required.
Like many municipalities, the City of Markham permits fireworks on the day proceeding Victoria Day and the Holiday Monday and the day preceeding Canada Day June 30 and the Holiday July 1st on private property only. Fireworks are NOT permitted in any City parks, pathways, forests, roads. The City of Markham has been hosting a Canada Day celebration of many years at Milne Park, with the exception of the past 2 Covid years. The day long events end in a fabulous fireworks display. Thousands of residents have joined in over the years. This year, the event will take place at the Markham Fair Grounds, more details will be advertised in the coming weeks.
Family fireworks must be used legally and appropriately. Permit information is available on line for residents who wish to do their fireworks on other days for celebrations. Of course, respect for neighbours is expected as many residents are frightened by the loud noises as are pets. We receive many complaints that fireworks continue through the night, past 11pm, this past Victoria Day until 2am. We also receive complaints that parks are littered with the remnants of fireworks, garbage from attendees, damaged and vandalized receptacles, grass, trees, pathways, benches. This is inappropriate and careless behaviour. Improper disposall of fireworks can cause fires and they should be soaked in water overnight before placed in the household garbage for pick up. Unused fireworks should be stored safely for future use or also soaked overnight prior to placing them curbside.
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