Applicant: Meadow Park Investments (BT) Inc.
77 Anderson Avenue
Proposal: A change is proposed for 77 Anderson Ave. The City of Markham received a complete Official Plan Amendment Application and a Zoning Bylaw Amendment submitted by Meadow Park Investments (BT) Inc. (Joran Weiner) c/o Humphries Planning Group Inc. (Nicole Cappadocia). You are receiving this notice because you live within 200 metres of the property and are being invited to participate in the review process.

Property Description
The 0.45 ha (1.11 acre) subject property is located on the northeast corner of Bur Oak Avenue and Anderson Avenue and is currently occupied by a two-storey 24/7 self-serve car wash building.

Surrounding land uses include a mix of industrial and commercial uses to the north and west, low rise residential uses to the east and south, and the Mount Joy GO Station to the south.

Applicant’s Proposal
The applicant is proposing to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to redevelop the subject lands with a 45-storey 42-storey* mixed-use building. The proposed building will contain 508 units 490 units *, 434 sq. m (4,680 sq. ft.) of ground level retail/commercial uses, four (4) levels of below grade parking, and access provided from Anderson Avenue.

Status: Markham Staff Recommendation to be presented at March 17, 2025 DSC Meeting
Related Documents: MappIT – Application Attachments

City of Markham Community Notice (PDF)

Related information

Additional information is available from Carman Yeung ext. 2532 of the City’s Planning Department, tel. (905) 477-7000, quoting file number PLAN 21 144733.

Written submissions may be mailed or personally delivered to the Clerk’s Department at the address noted below, or by e-mail to by quoting file number PLAN 21 144733.

The City of Markham
101 Town Centre Boulevard
Markham, Ontario, L3R 9W3

Future Notification

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Markham, or approval authority, on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments, you must make a written request to the Clerk’s Department at the address noted above or by email to

Information about the Public Meeting and Appeals

Prior to the passing of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments there will be at least one Public Meeting to give the public an opportunity to comment on the proposal. The date of the Public Meeting has not yet been determined. You will receive notice of the Public Meeting at least 20 days before the Public Meeting is held, in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Planning Act.

  1. If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the City of Markham, or the approval authority, to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Markham before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
  2. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Markham before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted or the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

That means if this official plan or by-law is appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal and you would like to participate in the appeal in some form, you must make an oral submission at a public meeting, or submit written comments to the City Clerk, before the official plan amendment is adopted or the by-law is passed by Markham City Council.