I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many residents who contacted my office to let me know about your snow clearing concerns this past week, and thank you for your incredible patience.
I share your disappointment and frustration, and though I understand the challenges our crews have been facing, I agree that clearing was not done well on some laneways and a number of laneways were missed entirely. This is not our usual standard. I met with Senior Operations staff on Tuesday morning to discuss with them my own and all of your concerns. I also shared many photos you sent as well as ones I took. The contractor is new this year and I believe, did not follow the set protocol and operational plan for clearing roads and laneways. Staff have met with the Contractor to address the numerous issues.
Cornell is a beautiful community though winter poses challenges. As you may know, a city-wide clearing can take up to 16 hours, and much longer with the amount of snow we received this past week, with between 40-50cm falling. Typically, after the main clearing is done, crews clean up corners, laybys, intersections, sidewalk ends, and a lot of the snow is also hauled out of Cornell communities to offsite storage areas. This post clean-up can take about a week.
I also learned that the City’s snow maintenance app is being upgraded, and is in a transition phase and was not providing the correct information. As far as sidewalks, crews are continuing to clean up areas. This is not isolated to Cornell, Ward 5 but rather right across the City, in various areas. Cornell as a lane-based community is a bit harder hit.
You can find more information and updates on the City of Markham website: www.markham.ca
I regret the inconveniences and apologize for the delays. Your patience has been tested and I want to thank you all. I will be speaking with some of you who have contacted my office, and please know I am always available to meet or have a call.