Markham Mayor Frank Scarpitti recently introduced a motion at York Region Council that would see the wearing of masks made mandatory in all public indoor places. This would include all shopping centres and retail locations, schools, daycare centres, libraries, community centres, and more.
You can read more about the Mayor’s motion here: York Region council considering law to make face masks mandatory
In addition, much has been written on the subject of mandatory face masks, both for and against the measure. Here are links to some recent articles:
CTV News: As public spaces begin to mandate face masks, studies show they prevent infections
OCLA: Opposing Mandatory Face Masks in Ontario Municipalities
The Case Against Mandatory Face Masks For COVID-19
Since the motion was announced by Mayor Scarpitti, I have received numerous messages from residents, mostly expressing concern. One email in particular presented a compelling argument against mandatory face masks and I’ve copied it (with permission) below:
Dear Markham City Council Members:
I understand municipalities are currently under pressure from Public Health Ontario to adopt mandatory masking policies to control COVID-19.
I am an Operating Room Nurse with 25 years of experience who is VERY concerned about the misuse of masks I see in the community and the infection risk posed by them. I tire of academics without real-world experience, lacking in practicality, that offer simple fixes like “reminders” to teach mask skills.; skills that take significant training and experience to master.
Not only does the misuse of masks increase viral transmission but they isolate mentally and physically impaired populations such as the hearing impaired. Also, many populations cannot wear a mask due to physical and mental issues.
To better help you understand grades of evidence used by Public Health Ontario, I have provided you a picture below of what is called the hierarchy of evidence. Note the highest forms of evidence are well-conducted meta-analysis or systematic reviews and that the highest grades of studies are called randomized control trials (RCT).
Considering this diagram, please truly read their report including complete findings. Note that high grades of evidence ( RCTs and systematic review) fall short on demonstrating the merit of masks to control viral spread. Indeed. the majority found masks could not show benefit. Low grades of evidence such as ecological reports and retrospective cohort observational studies presented are prone to bias and should be recognized as such.
The Public Health reports one “study” that found cloth masks increase infection risk by 13%. This study is in fact the only RCT conducted on cloth masks. This worrisome finding should carry considerable weight. Rather it is mentioned only in passing.
Public health Ontario neglected to include ample, compelling top grades of research. This includes a May 2020 meta-analysis published in the CDC journal Emerging Infectious Diseases. This review examined studies from 1946-2018 and found surgical face masks don’t significantly reduce viral transmission and in fact, improper use increases the risk of infection spread. Several trials on masks in community settings, including a 2015systematic review found participants who wore masks had just as many infections as those who did not. A May 2020 review, also highlighted the transmission risk associated with mask use, could not prove that masks do or do not prevent viral transmission. Scientific advice to the UK government also found inconclusive evidence in their review to support any benefit from community mask use.
Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center of Infectious Disease and Research Policy, has spoken out about the inadequate evidence to support the public use of face masks. In relation to the CDC’s recommendation of cloth masks he stated,
“Never before in my 45-year career have I seen such a far-reaching public recommendation issued by any governmental agency without a single source of data or information to support it.“
Despite this. Ontario Public Health has now sent out a polished guide to encourage municipalities to enforce mask use that barely touches upon the fact that there are significant risks and evidence gaps therein
I have included further evidence in a paper I wrote that I ask you to please read before making any decisions. For it offers the perspective of a front line worker who is highly experienced with masking who understands science and the limitations of masking in real-world settings.
For an easy read, look at this article on the four consequences of wearing face masks
Furthermore, consider the argument presented by The Ontario Civil Liberties Associationwho requests the WHO retract their mask recommendation because they are based on inadequate evidence.
Also, the New York Times ran a recent article on the retraction of a dishonest paper promoting universal mask use that confirms the previous warnings of Dr. Michael Osterholm on low grades of supporting evidence.
I leave you with the words of leading epidemiologists found in April 2020, British Medical Journal who note serious potential side-effects of wearing masks who conclude:
“it is necessary to quantify the complex interactions that may well be operating between positive and negative effects of wearing surgical masks at the population level. It is not time to act without evidence.”
Thank you for your very valuable time and consideration on this very serious matter
Cindy Gough RN, BScN, MScAH, CGNC
Toronto Ontario
PS. As you are aware, a policy must be reasonable and proportionate to the threat. That said, could you also please review this Charter Analysis report by the Justice Centre of Canada. For it presents questions that demand immediate answers as to why ANY restrictions, let alone masking, remain upon the citizens of Ontario. Such restrictions pose significant risks to the citizens of Ontario due to continued restricted access to surgery, no visitor policies and the risk of pushing people into poverty (a health scourge of the top order)
This decision should not be taken lightly, and I am seeking more input from residents. Please take a few moments to complete the poll below. I’d like to make sure your voice is heard and your concerns are represented.